Locked Out Of Your Home? 4 Ways To Safely Hide A Spare Key

If you've ever locked yourself out of your home, you know how frustrating it can be. You probably decided to be prepared next time. One of the best ways to prepare for a potential lock-out is to hide a key for future use. Here are just a few tips that will help you safely store your spare key.

Under Your Door Mat

You might think that under the front door mat is a great place to hide your key. The person driving down the street might think so too, especially when they see you place the key there. You've now given them direct access to your home once you drive away.

Instead of placing it under the front door mat, go around back and place it under the mat by your back door. Your key will be safe and you'll have quick access to your home.

In Your Planter

If you're going to use your planter, don't just leave it on the ground. Whether you choose the planter in the front yard or the back yard, you might regret it during a rainstorm. Once your planter fills with rain, you might find yourself digging through the mud trying to find your key.

If you do choose to keep your key in a planter, place it in a clean baby food jar and hide it in a bush. Your key will stay dry and you won't have to dig in the mud for it.

At A Neighbors House

If you want to keep your spare key in a safe location that's still close by, try leaving it with your neighbor. Keeping your spare key at your neighbor's home will ensure that you can get to it without leaving it out where strangers can find it. Not only that, but leaving a key with your neighbor will allow them access to your home during an emergency.

In Your Wallet

You might not have thought about this but your wallet is an excellent place to keep a spare key. Even if you lock your keys in your home, your wallet will be in your pocket. You might be concerned about protecting your key if your wallet were to be stolen. You can protect your key by placing it under the layer of material that's inside your wallet. Most pickpockets will simply open your wallet and remove the cash and credit cards. They won't search under the lining material.

You never know when you're going to lock yourself out of your home. It's a good idea to hide a spare key somewhere that you can get to in a hurry. If you don't have access to a spare key, a locksmith, like those at Suburban Lock, will be able to get you into your home. They will also be able to make a spare key so that you have one for next time.
