Securing Your Business After A Break-In

If you are a small business owner, and your building has recently experienced a break-in, you will need to take important steps to make sure your facility is not at risk for a repeat occurrence. Once a business has had a robbery happen, it could easily happen again if the thief has information on how to gain entry. Here are some pointers you can use to keep your business safe from recurring robberies.

Change All Locks

After a robbery occurs, have a commercial lock repair professional come to your business to change every lock on the doors and windows. The locksmith may be able to tell which lock was compromised when the intruder had gained entry. There are tell-tale signs that show if someone tried to swipe a key card or picked a lock. Have the locksmith install state-of-the-art locking mechanisms that work well with the types of doors and windows you have in your business. Change all door strike plates to use three to four-inch screws so that doors can not be kicked open. 

Change Regular Habits

Do some of the regular tasks you do at your business at different times than you had done previously. Now that your business had been violated, it is important to change the order of events and predictability of your habits to throw anyone watching off guard. Have two employees close up at night instead of just one. This will keep things safer while the nighttime lockup routine is being performed.

Leave different lights on inside the building each night. Do some renovating inside your business to further complicate a repeat robbery. Switching the layout plan inside could confuse an intruder, causing them to make a mistake if trying to get inside the building.

Put New Motions In Place

Now is the time to invest in an alarm system to avoid a repeat invasion. In order for an alarm to work to your advantage, it should have audible sounds that can be heard from a distance. Silent alarms work well in banks or convenient stores, since they are usually robbed when there are workers inside. At a business with closing hours, having the alarm heard is imperative in order to stop the robbery.

Place a few signs on your establishment informing the public that the building is guarded with an alarm system. This information alone may stop a repeat intruder from trying to gain entry. Placing a few security cameras both inside and outside your building, can also be beneficial in keeping theft from happening again.
